Home作曲家>湯浅譲二 略歴


Joji Yuasa
1929.8.12 – 2024.7.21

photo by Jun'ichi Ishizuka




ニューヨークのジャパン・ソサエティ(1968–69)をはじめ、実験音楽センターUCSDの招待作曲家(1976)、DAADのベルリン芸術家計画(1976–77)、シドニーのニュー・サウス・ウェールズ音楽院(1980)、トロント大学(1981)、フランス国立音響音楽研究所(IRCAM; 1987)など、内外数多くの給付招聘を受けている。また、ハワイにおける今世紀の芸術祭(1970)、トロントのニュー・ミュージック・コンサート(1980)、香港のアジア作曲家会議(1981)、ブリティッシュ・カウンシル主催の現代音楽巡回演奏会(1981)、ニュージーランドのアジア太平洋祭(1984)、アムステルダムの作曲家講習会(1984、87)、ダルムシュタット国際現代音楽夏期講習会(1988)、レーケンボー音楽祭(1986、88)、パシフィック・ミュージック・フェスティヴァル太平洋作曲家会議(1990)、東京オペラシティのコンポージアム2002、ルーマニア現代音楽祭(2009)、アンサンブル・モデルン・アカデミー(2009)、スタンフォード大学(2009)、サントリー芸術財団国際作曲委嘱シリーズ(1999-2011)などに、ゲスト作曲家、講師、審査員、監修者として参加している。






Joji Yuasa - Biography

Joji Yuasa, born on August 12, 1929, in Koriyama, Japan, is a self taught composer. He first became interested in music while a pre medical student at Keio University, and in 1952 turned to music full time when he joined a young artists’ group, the Experimental Workshop in Tokyo. Since then, Yuasa has been actively engaged in a wide range of musical composition, including orchestral, choral and chamber music, music for theater, and intermedia, electronic and computer music.

His works, including film and television scores, have won several prizes; among them the Jury’s Special Prize of the 1961 Berlin Film Festival, the Prix Italia (1966, ’67), the San Marco Golden Lion Prize (1967), the Otaka Prize (1972, ’88, ’97, 2003), Grand Prizes at the Japan Arts Festival (1973, ’83), the Hida-Furukawa Music Grand Prize (1995), the Kyoto Music Grand Prize (1995), the Suntory Music Prize (1996), the Medal with Purple Ribbon (1997), Education Minister’s Art Encouragement Prize (1997), the Imperial Prize (1999) the Japan Art Academy Prize (1999) and the Persons in Cultural Merit since 2014, etc.

Yuasa has received a number of scholarships at home and abroad: a Japan Society Fellowship (1968–69), Composer-in-Residence at the Center for Music Experiment UCSD (1976), Berlin Artist Program by DAAD (1976–77), the New South Wales Conservatorium of Music in Sydney (1980), University of Toronto (1981) and IRCAM (1987), Civitella Ranieri Foundation (2002), among others.

He has won numerous commissions for his orchestral, chamber, chorus and electronic compositions including commissions for orchestral works from the Serge Koussevitzky Music Foundation, Saarländischer Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester, Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, Japan Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra, NHK Symphony Orchestra, Canada Council, Suntory Music Foundation (presently the Suntory Foundation for Arts), IRCAM and National Endowment for the Arts of the U.S.A., among others.

As a guest composer, lecturer, judge and artistic director, Yuasa has contributed to the Festival of Arts In This Century in Hawaii (1970), New Music Concerts in Toronto (1980), the Asian Composers League in Hong Kong (1981), a concert tour for Contemporary Music Network by the British Arts Council (1981), the Asia Pacific Festival in New Zealand (1984), Composers Workshop in Amsterdam (1984, ’87), Internationale Ferienkurse Für Neue Musik in Darmstadt (1988), Lerchenborg Music Tage (1986, ’88) and Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo (1990), COMPOSIUM 2002 in Tokyo, Romania Contemporary Music Festival (2009), Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie (2009), Stanford University (2009), The Suntory Foundation for Arts’ Suntory Hall International Program for Music Composition (1999-2011), among others. In 2005 his Responsorium from “Requiem of Reconciliation,” commissioned by Internationale Bachakademie Stuttgart as a commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the end of World War II, was premiered.

Since 1996 he has served as one of the “Frontier Ambassadors” for Koriyama City and composed the school songs for several primary schools in the city. In 2016 he composed an orchestral piece, That’s Adatarayama (Mountain Adatara), commemorating the 90th anniversary of the municipal administration and the 50th anniversary of consolidation of the city (2014). He is still vigorously working to revitalize the regional music activities in Koriyama.

His music has been widely performed throughout the world at such festivals as the ISCM World Music Days (1971, ’74, ’78, ’79, ’81, ’83–’86, ’91, ’93, ’95, 2005, ’08), Warsaw Autumn (1969, ’76, ’78, ’81, ’84, ’86), Horizon ’84, ULTIMA Oslo Contemporary Music Festival (1995, 2005) and Venice Biennale (2005).

From 1981 to 1994, Yuasa was actively engaged in music research and education at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD). He was also the guest professor at Tokyo College of Music, Toho Gakuen College Music Department, Nihon University College of Art. Presently, he is professor emeritus at UCSD and an honorary member of ISCM and an honorary citizen of Koriyama City.

(as of 25 October 2017)